「Guide To Cross Generational Communication」の版間の差分

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2020年5月31日 (日) 12:40時点における最新版

Cross Generational Communication

There are distinctive difference in the generations today than ever before in history. A person can only expect such dramatic difference with what our world has went through during the past 60 years. Knowing there is such difference in cross generations in today’s world is the key to communication and learning to make it in society.  Most of us think the right way to think is the way we think.  It is rare for someone to actually think their way would be the wrong way.  The problem with cross generational communication and everyone thinking their way is the right way is that is just not a true way to think.  To effectively communicate everyone needs to learn cross generational characteristics.

Generations in the Workplace

The power of four generations in today’s workplace is the Veterans (1922-1945), the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), the Generation X (1965-1980) and Generation Y (1981-2000).  If today’s society would only realize the awesome power of four generations we have in today’s workplace the work place would rocket to the top. The work environment would become unstoppable. Instead, the workplace is permitting differences in ways of thinking, different standards, different ideas, different values and different ways of making things happen, kynghidongduong.vn collapse and cause confusion in the workplace. It is no secret that to have a successful business that there must be understanding of others. One needs to learn and understand generational differences in the workplace and know how to use this knowledge effectively.

Age Discrimination in Workplace

For many generations and many years there has always been the issue of age discrimination in the workplace. It is helpful to understand why people and employees might feel that way. A person’s view on age discrimination in the workplace would be greatly affected by what stage of their career life they are currently in.  Often older workers get trapped with opinions and reputations that are not really only related to older workers! For example, an older worker might be considered slow, stuck in their way is the only way, poor health, too much of a risk, not good at technology, expensive and a poor investment. The true fact is that these are real characteristics of ALL people! A young person can have the same characteristics as an older person. With the workplace growing in such diversity of ages everyone must learn to understand that age discrimination in the workplace is wrong for the older and younger workers.

Age Diversity Management

With society growing and age diversity management is becoming more relevant. Over the past four generations there have been some very interesting shifts in thoughts and concepts of what each generation thinks of the others. Spoiled, lazy, old, past his time and he doesn’t get the real world might be some of the things we have heard. Age diversity management is the relation that each person needs to know and realize there are many different age’s in society. More often than not we will not find another person who thinks the same as we do unless they are in our age group. Taking all this into consideration society has to respect all age diversities and learn to coop with the different opinions.

Baby Boomers in the Workplace

A challenge that faces the workplace in today’s society is accommodating the section of the largest growing part of the workforce, the baby boomers. Today Baby Boomers range in age from 40 to 62 years of age. All business’s need to except the new generations of workers and also learn how to find way to help the Baby Boomers who have been in the workforce for many years. Some Baby Boomers are ready to retire and look forward to their new lifestyle. However, there are some Baby Boomers that still want to work and enjoy their jobs. These are the people that business’s needs to find accommodations to keep in the workforce. It is said the Baby Boomers are the generation that has held onto their jobs the longest. Respect and consideration is needed and tour hà giang từ hà nội deserved by every worker in the workforce.