Joe Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Slams Democrat hypocrisy

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The former Joe Biden staffer who claims he sexually assaulted her in 1993 has slammed Democrats for ‘hypocrisy' as she revealed the intense online abuse she has received since making the accusation.

Tara Reade hit out at the Democratic Party in an interview with Fox News on Saturday night as she said that ‘creepy' voice messages were being left for her as part of a torrent of abuse following her claim against the presumed Democratic presidential candidate.

'I find it astounding - the hypocrisy that Democrats are talking about women being able to tell their story safely,' Reade told Fox.

'I'm a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, but yet here I am trying to talk about my history with Joe Biden and I'm just the target of online harassment.'

She spoke about the shocking extent of the abuse as two further people were identified who corroborated her story about the sexual assault.

Tara Reade, pictured in 2019, has been supported by two more people regarding her claims that she was sexually assaulted by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden 

Reade has accused Biden, pictured, of shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers while they stood in a Senate corridor in 1993 while she was on his staff

One friend, who knew Reade in 1993, said Reade told them about the alleged assault when it happened, The Associated Press reported Saturday

The second friend met Reade more than a decade after the alleged incident and confirmed that Reade had a conversation with the friend in 2007 or 2008 about experiencing sexual harassment from Biden while working in his Senate office.

Both spoke on condition of anonymity to protect their families' privacy.

There are now at least four people who have corroborated Reade's allegations.

The former staffer previously said she had not come forward sooner about her abuse as she feared the backlash she could face, a fear that may now have been realized as she detailed the stunning extent to which she is being harassed online.





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Reade told Fox that fake social media accounts have been created to impersonate her, which are using personal pictures of her and her family and that she has received emails calling her a 'f---ing whore' and a 'disgrace to womanhood'.

'You are a rip-roaring b---h and the great majority of Americans don't believe you anyhow... I hope you drop dead,' the email read.

She added that some of the posts on the fake accounts were being shared by Biden supporters as she condemned the Democratic Party for placing a barrier up for other sexual assault survivors who could come forward.

'This is something that really has to stop and I'm just wondering where this is coming from,' Reade told Fox News.

'Are these just fanatic supporters? And if so, what does that say about our Democratic voters? Why are they targeting me when the party line is supposed to be allowing people to be safe? Why are they targeting my family and myself and making my family frightened?

'It creates barriers for survivors to want to come forward and talk about difficult things that have happened,' she added.

Tara Reade, pictured here in 2019, detailed the intense online abuse she has received in a Fox interview since she came forward with a claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 

Reade has said that she filed a complaint about Biden at the time but is uncertain what exactly it contains. She said she did not directly accuse him on sexual assault as she was 'scared'  

‘And in my case, talking about how Joe Biden sexually harassed and sexually assaulted me is very excruciating and enough by itself, but then to be targeted and harassed and have my whole family targeted and harassed online by people that call themselves his supporters is not only just upsetting, it's frightening.'

As well as sharing the address and phone numbers of one of her family members online, Reade said that the same person also received four calls from an unknown number on Friday night. The caller left ‘creepy' voicemails claiming to be a reporter.

Two of the voice messages were obtained by Fox who reported them as saying 'Hi Ms. Reade, this is Dave Johnson from the Observer, a small New York newspaper' before adding ‘Jeffry Epstein didn't kill himself' and ‘Trump 2020'.

A second voicemail said: 'Hey Tara, this is Dave Johnson with the Observer and I would really love, I'd really appreciate a call back so we can discuss your new powerful allegation against Vice President Biden. I think you're setting a tone and underscoring a double standard put forth by the Me Too movement, so I'd really appreciate it if you could just call me back, give me a couple of quick questions.' 

Reade highlighted the online abuse as two more people were identified who corroborate her allegations of either sexual assault or harassment against Biden, adding to two associates identified earlier this week. 

Pictured are Tara Reade, left, and Joe Biden circa 1993 when the alleged assault took place

Reade posted an image on social media of what she looked like in 1993, the year she alleged Biden sexually assaulted her. She has detailed how she did not specifically use the words sexual harassment or assault in her initial report about Biden to the Senate in 1993

The two who previously came forward included Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor, who said Reade told her about the alleged assault a few years after Reade said it happened in the mid-1990s. 

The other was a former coworker Lorraine Sanchez who said Reade told her she had been sexually harassed by her boss during her previous job in Washington.    

Reade's interview with Fox also followed her criticism of an Associated Press report covering her accusations earlier on Saturday, which she claims misrepresented her in its headline.   

In an interview with the Associated Press, Reade has restated a previous claim that she not explicitly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault or harassment when she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office in 1993. 

Yet speaking to Fox News, Reade said, 'I do not know what is on the form until we see it. I filed a sexual harassment complaint and included retaliation'.

On Saturday, Reade slammed the AP report as 'false' for saying in its headline that she had not directly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault even though the story included a direct quote from her stating such. 

It also included 2019 quotes in which she said she had 'chickened out' and not detailed the sexual harassment in the report at the time because she was scared. 

Tara Reade branded an AP report as 'false' on Saturday despite the article including a direct quote from her stating 'I know I didn't use sexual harassment' in her report 

Reade added that the headline was misleading. She says that she filed a form regarding the sexual harassment but that she decided against detailing the assault in 1993 fearing backlash

Reade later told Fox that she had filed a sexual harassment complaint even if she hadn't used those exact words. 

'They're standing by the fact... that I said I don't think I used the term "sexual harassment." We didn't use it as much back in 1993, so I don't know but that's not to say that there isn't a box that I didn't check. Until we get that form, we don't know,' Reade explained. 

According to an interview with Reade published by the AP on Saturday, the former Biden staffer said she filed a limited report with a congressional personnel office that did not explicitly accuse him of sexual assault or harassment.

Shortly after the interview was published, however, Reade shared the story tweeting 'this is false', despite the article including a direct quote from her stating 'I know I didn't use sexual harassment' in the report. 

She later attempted to clarify her meaning by tweeting that 'the headline was quite misleading' in saying she had not mentioned sexual harassment specifically but she doesn't know if there was a box she ticked about it until she sees the report. 

'I filed the intake form regarding sexual harassment and retaliation however that was articulated on form in 1993. I filed with Senate Personnel. Perhaps Joe Biden knows where that form is located. Ask him,' she added. 

Reade later told Fox News the 'story itself is correct' but the headline, which read 'Tara Reade says a Senate report she filed against Joe Biden didn't refer to sexual harassment or assault', was wrong. 

In multiple interviews with the AP on Friday, Reade insisted she filed an 'intake form' at the Senate personnel office, which included her contact information, the office she worked for and some broad details of her issues with Biden.

On Saturday, Reade told the AP there may have been a box to check on the form noting a sexual harassment complaint, but she couldn't remember and wouldn't know for sure until she saw the form.  

Reade filed an official criminal complaint against the now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee on April 9 of this year, accusing Biden of shoving his hand under her skirt and penetrating her with his fingers while they stood in a senate corridor, an accusation he has denied.

She says she was fired from Biden's office after filing a complaint with the Senate alleging harassment. 

The former staffer made the complaint about the alleged assault last month after going public with her story in March but the statue of limitations had passed.   

The former Biden staffer has spoken out about the threats she has received online

Reade was among the women who came out last year alleging Biden was too handsy but did not make her allegation of sexual assault until speaking with journalist Katie Halper for her 'Katie Halper Show' podcast on March 25.

She says she was reluctant to share details of the assault during her initial conversations with reporters over a year ago because she was scared of backlash, and was still coming to terms with what happened to her.  

According to the Associated Press, Reade filed a report after the alleged assault but it did not mention sexual assault or harassment specifically. 

'I remember talking about him wanting me to serve drinks because he liked my legs and thought I was pretty and it made me uncomfortable,' Reade said. 

'I know that I was too scared to write about the sexual assault.'

Reade said she described her issues with Biden but 'the main word I used - and I know I didn't use sexual harassment - I used "uncomfortable". And I remember "retaliation".'

The AP reported that it had discovered additional transcripts and notes from its interviews with Reade last year in which she says she 'chickened out' after going to the Senate personnel office. They interviewed Reade in 2019 after she accused Biden of uncomfortable and inappropriate touching. 

The existence of the Senate report has become a key element of the accusations against Biden, which he has flatly denied. 

Reade says she doesn't have a copy of the report, and Biden said Friday that he is not aware that any complaint against him exists. He asked the Senate and the National Archives to search their records to try to locate a complaint from Reade.

But Reade is suggesting that even if the report surfaces, it would not corroborate her assault allegations because she chose not to detail them at the time.

According to a transcript of her 2019 interview with the AP, Reade said: 'They have this counseling office or something, and I think I walked in there once, but then I chickened out.' 

She made a similar statement in a second interview with AP that same day, according to written notes from the interview.

On Friday, Reade said she was referring to having 'chickened out' by not filing full harassment or assault allegations against Biden.  

Reade was one of eight women who came forward last year with allegations that Biden made them feel uncomfortable with inappropriate displays of affection. 

During one of the April 2019 interviews with the AP, she said Biden rubbed her shoulders and neck and played with her hair. She said she was asked by an aide in Biden's Senate office to dress more conservatively and told 'don't be so sexy.'

She said of Biden: 'I wasn't scared of him, that he was going to take me in a room or anything. It wasn't that kind of vibe.'

Biden acknowledged the complaints and promised to be 'more mindful about respecting personal space in the future'.

Reade's recent accusation has roiled Biden's presidential campaign, however, sparking anxiety among Democrats. 

Republicans have accused Biden backers of hypocrisy, arguing that they have been quick to believe women who have accused President Donald Trump and other conservatives of assault. 

Trump has faced multiple accusations of assault and harassment, tour trương gia giới all of which he denies.