Commuters will Be Told To Check Their Temperatures Before Traveling

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Boris Johnson is sketching out a blueprint which enables Britons to go back to work by May 26 while stopping a second spike in coronavirus infections, government sources revealed last night.

A loosening of certain restrictions designed to fire up the flagging economy will be accompanied with a roll-out of revamped social distancing guidelines, particularly on public transport.

Government insiders claimed that under the plans commuters will be instructed to check their temperature before travelling into work to stop train carriages becoming contamination hotbeds. 

It will include passengers having to stick to the six-feet apart rule, which would be enforced by time slots that people would need to book ahead of time to avoid carriages becoming rammed in rush hours, according to the Times.

Downing Street's scientific advisory group SAGE has been asked to urgently review the current proximity guidelines and one minister told the Daily Telegraph the issue was a 'live discussion'. 

The measures will also try to allay the cautious public's 'coronaphobia' after polls showed opinion overwhelmingly weighing in behind extending the lockdown. 

A new YouGov poll of 3,152 adults revealed that 77 per cent would like to see the lockdown continue while just 15 per cent are opposed to the move. 

Some 46 per cent of those surveyed said they would 'strongly support' the decision to extend the lockdown while 31 per cent said they would 'somewhat support' an extension. Just 8 per cent said they did not know.

The Prime Minister, who yesterday urged the country to display 'collective discipline', will spell out his road map next week when the restrictions are reviewed.  

But ministers eager to cajole UK plc back to work are mulling plans to relax social distancing in workplaces, including scrapping the six-foot rule. 

YouGov asked 3,152 British adults: The next government lockdown review is on May 7. Would you support or oppose extending the current lockdown beyond 7th May?

Ipsos MORI polling has suggested 61 per cent of Britons would be nervous about going out to bars and Tour du thuyền Hạ Long giá rẻ restaurants even if the draconian restrictions are loosened

Members of the public follow social distancing guidelines and Tour du thuyền Hạ Long giá rẻ queue in the car park of B&Q in Solihull this morning

Members of the public follow social distancing guidelines and queue outside a Homebase store in Leicester, after the firm opened its doors to customers for the first time in more than a month today

Overhauling this current six-foot guideline could also tip the balance to allow schools to return by the middle of June. 

Mr Johnson on Thursday offered a glimmer of hope as he revealed the UK is past the peak of the virus and on 'the downward slope'.

Sources said the cabinet is working towards the last week of May as the earliest point to begin these baby steps out of lockdown.

'You won't find anybody who thinks it will be any ­earlier than that,' a senior government figure told the Sun, adding the date was 'our best hope'.