Coronation Street s Mental Abuse Storyline Takes An Even Darker Turn

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Coronation Street's coercive control storyline reached its darkest moment yet on Wednesday.

In sickening scenes, Yasmeen Nazir's abusive husband Geoff Metcalfe made her beg for mercy as he burned her clothes after learning she'd been planning to flee their home.

Fans flooded Twitter with posts claiming Ian Bartholomew's performance as Geoff made them feel 'physically sick,' as it was also revealed the scenes sparked 51 complaints to media watchdog Ofcom.

Horrific: Coronation Street viewers were threatening to kill Yasmeen Nazir's abusive husband Geoff Metcalfe as his abuse of her reached a sickening new low on Wednesday night

On Wednesday night Yasmeen plotted to try and escape her husband by packing up her things and hiding them in the cupboard, after he tried to claim she was to blame for them both contracting chlamydia.





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Of course viewers know that it's all Geoff's doing after sleeping with female escorts, but he makes yet another disgusting jibe by claiming Yasmeen has given him AIDS.

Despite trying to make a run for it, Geoff discovered her ploy through the CCTV cameras hidden in their home, and furiously confronted her.

Confronting his wife Geoff grabbed the bag and took it into the garden, locking Yasmeen inside, and proceeded to burn her things.

Upsetting: In sickening scenes Yasmeen was forced to kneel and beg for mercy from her husband after she was caught trying to flee their home

Clearly paralysed with fear, Yasmeen admitted she couldn't leave Geoff now she had the chance, as he tormented that no one else would have her. 

In his most sickening move yet, Geoff then forced his wife to kneel and beg for mercy, saying he'd 'rather see her dead than with somebody else.'

The horrific scenes sparked fury from soap fans, who while praising actors Ian and Shelley King for their performances, vowed to take matters into their own hands to end Ian's torment.

One fan had an unlikely suggestion, writing: 'Send Villanelle to the cobbles to kill #Geoff #Corrie pleeeeese.' 

Another wrote: 'To think people go through what Geoff is doing to Yasmeen is just heartbreaking.'

Sharing an 'angry mob' GIF, a fan also tweeted: 'Right all, let's go and get Geoff.' 

Furious: Geoff reacted furiously by burning Yasmeen's clothes while she was trapped in the house, before threatening he'd rather see her 'dead than with someone else'

Praising Ian and Shelley's performances, one viewer wrote: 'You have to credit Ian Bartholomew for his performance. The character Goff is loathed and hated by millions, Shelley King's performance also added to the hatred we have for this vile character.

'Let's hope this raises awareness for the women (and men) who suffer abuse.'

One fan added: 'Skin crawling time, I feel physically sick.'

Another added: 'He is the most vile and horrible character ever. He gives me anxiety but having said that... what fantastic acting from them both.' 

Raging: Viewers rushed to Twitter to share their fury, though many also praised actors Shelley King and Ian Bartholomew for their performances

One viewer also wrote: 'I can't believe Geoff said daddy's waiting what the f**k #Corrie can't wait for Yasmeen to whack him one!'

'#Corrie I so wanted to smash Geoff's face in tonight. He makes me physically sick. I'll be glad when he gets his comeuppance,' another added.

Clearly irate with the upsetting storyline, a viewer also penned: 'Oh Geoff is vile, I hate him with every ounce of my soul what brilliant acting from Ian.'

'Geoff makes my skin crawl hope they finish him off soon been going on long enough.'

Anger: Yasmeen's ordeal is finally set to come to a head on Friday when she finally lashes out at Geoff, leaving his life hanging in the balance

Yasmeen's ordeal is finally set to come to a head on Friday when she finally lashes out at Geoff, leaving his life hanging in the balance.

Next week Yasmeen will be arrested for attempting to kill her husband, leaving her family to try and clear her name by insisting she was trying to defend herself.

Coronation Street has closely with the charity Women's Aid to portray the hard-hitting storyline, which has been praised by viewers for highlighting the problem of mental and verbal abuse.

If you have been affected by this story, please email for information and support.

Coronation Street continues on Friday at 7:30pm on ITV.

Back soon: Coronation Street continues on Friday at 7:30pm on ITV